Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kari, Todd, and Cole

Kari was my roommate in Provo, the last few years I was at BYU. We went through some rough times (not roommate drama, just general life drama), but we had a blast, too. Driving down to Los Angeles, dealing with stupid roommates, Mexican polka music, Buffy and Angel-a-thon's with giant Costco bags of chocolate. Yep, it was fun. Well, when I moved home to my parents, she went off and got married to Todd. They have Cole now, and he's just the cutest thing...well, maybe behind my nephew. I'm allowed to be biased. I'm so glad that she's decided that I'm their family photographer, and I can't wait to take pictures of their new little one next year...

I'm so glad I got to see Kari again, and I'm so glad I got to take pictures. I love photography and families.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

 Two Sundays ago, I shot the Webster family out in Dugway. They were a lot of fun. Full of jokes and wackiness. Perfect combination for a fun shoot! Their oldest daughter is moving to Canada, so they wanted to get a recent family portrait. I hope you love them!


hahahahaha.....stink face!

They were a lot of fun, Thanks again Websters!!